Abbreviation | Elaboration | Abbreviation | Elaboration |
ABC | Assistant for Blind Children | BKB | Bangladesh Krishi Bank |
ADP | Annual Development Program | BD | Basic Democracy |
ADC | Additional Deputy Commissioner | BE | Bachelor of Engineering |
AFMC | Armed Forces Medical College | BIT | Bangladesh Institute of Technology |
ASM | Association of Sports Medicine | BAS | Bangladesh Academy for Science |
BAA | Bangladesh Archery Association | BNNC | Bangladesh National Nutrition Council |
BADC | Bangladesh Agriculture Development Organization | BNP | Bangladesh National Party |
BAF | Bangladesh Airforce | BN | Bangladesh Navy |
BARI | Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute | BOA | Bangladesh Olympic Association |
BASIC | Bank of Small Industries and Commerce | BSC | Bangladesh Shipping Corporation |
BB | Bangladesh Bank | BURO | Bangladesh Unemployment Rehabilitation Organization |
BCB | Bangladesh Cricket Board | BUET | Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology |
BCI | Bangladesh Commerce and Investments | CID | Criminal Investigation Department |
BCS | Bangladesh Civil Services | DMP | Dhaka Metropolitan Police |
BDR | Bangladesh Rifles | EPZ | Export Processing Zone |
BJE | Bangladesh Judo Federation | GNP | Gross National Product |
BJMA | Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation | GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
NAEM | National Academy for Educational Management | NIPORT | National Institute of Population Research and Training |
RAB | Rapid Action Battalion | RAJUK | Rajdhani Unnoyon Corporation |
UNO | Upazila Nirbahi Officer | VC | Vice Chancellor/ Vice Chairman |
VP | Vice President | BMA | Bangladesh Military Academy |