Tenure of First Sangsad was 2 years 6 months, from 7 April 1973 to 6 November 1975.
1st Parliament Speaker: Mohammad Mohammadullah
The Current Speaker: Dr.Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury
At least the presence of sixty members is required to have a quorum in a Sangsad session. If members' presence is less than sixty, Speaker suspends the session at any time and starts striking a bell for five minutes. Even after that, if there is no quorum speaker dissolves the session.
In the parliamentary system, the leader of the Sangsad is appointed as the chief government executive or Prime Minister. However, any other member nominated by the Prime Minister can be the Leader of the House. The Leader of the Opposition is elected upon the confidence of all opposition members including the opposition party of the maximum members in the Sangsad.
Speaker is the chief executive of Sangsad and presides over sessions of the Sangsad.